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Dr Francesca Fanuele is the latest awardee of the Premio di studio "Prof. Silvio Ranzi" - A.A. 2022-23 from University of Milan for her thesis work on the biology of animal development:
well done Francesca!


Congratulations to Carlotta for winning the best talk award at MyDEV2020!

More infos about MyDEV can be found here

Al via dal Quirinale I Giorni della Ricerca 2020 con l’annuale cerimonia dedicata a Fondazione AIRC.
Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella: “la condizione di oggi ci mostra ancor meglio quale sia il valore della ricerca, e quanto sia importante per la nostra civiltà". Grazie AIRC per aver invitato i ricercatori AIRC.

On January the 30th, Alex visited a nursery school in Milan, talked to the children about the zebrafish and let them use a real microscope equipped with fluorescent light.
The children were fascinated, and so were the teachers.
ad hoc leaflet was distributed to the children families to raise awareness on the importance of biomedical research for studying human diseases.

Further infos about the wonderful world of zebrafish as a research tool is available here.