A busy hands-on session at our teaching lab with Biology BSc undergraduates learning to use in vitro and in vivo models to study vascular biology (Percorso 2 - Fisiologia e Biologia Cellulare @unimi)
Microinjections of zebrafish embryos to modulate gene expression and study the function of genes implicated in pathologies, such as cancer, cardiovascular and genetic diseases
A Biology BSc undergraduate student removing chorion from zebrafish embryos at our teaching lab to study the molecular control of vascular morphogenesis (Percorso 2 - Fisiologia e Biologia Cellulare @unimi)
Visualizing DNA fragments with Biology BSc undergraduates at our teaching lab (Percorso 2 - Fisiologia e Biologia Cellulare @unimi)
Well done Valeria, and her tutor too ;)!
Past and current Fantinlab members celebrate Valeria...
Phylipinnes night!
Ordinary day of busy lab work to study the molecular basis of human diseases thanks to support from AIRC, FondCariplo, Telethon and the Italian Ministry of Health and Italian Ministry of University&Research
New lab space available thanks to AIRC and FondCariplo generous support
Horror Escape room - before
Horror Escape room - after
Bye Alison! you'll be missed...
Well done Francesca!
Well done Chiara!
Xmas 2021 at 6B
Xmas 2021 - Mazzanti and Fantin labs
ready for moonwalk?!
Safe lab aperitif in Covid time
the card! finally!
Summer lunch with Mazzanti lab
Ivan Verduci, from Mazzanti lab, is now a real (PhD) doctor!
Mazzanti and Fantin labs starting 2020 with the best intentions!
Xmas 2019 at 6B
AIRC pub celebration!!!